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A Conversation With Atlanta Entrepreneur and Super Connector

This week I had the pleasure of moderating a discussion with the incredble Joey Womack, hosted by the Institute for Leadership and Social Impact (ILSI) at Georgia Tech. ILSI hosts discussions throughout the year with inspiring people to discuss their stories of leadership and impact and how they relate their work to their mission for change. If you are unfamiliar with Joey, he is the founder of GoodieNation which is an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs overcome the relationship gap that exists for many founders who find themselves at a disadvantage because of race, gender, or geography. It should be said too, that GoodieNation is only one of Joey's ventures in creating impact. He is also the founder of Amplify 4 Good which helps companies and other organizations create social impact. All in all, just an amazing human.

Our conversation covered Joey's story from how he got started in his entrepreneurial journey to how he figured out his life's purpose. One of the things that were big takeaways for me was how to develop trust in your inner voice. Joey discussed his early days with his first venture and how his experiences going through college helped him start to trust his inner voice. He had some great insights into how to develop that trust but also the importance of listening to yourself. Joey told us how it was his inner voice that shifted his mission from his first venture to the social impact work he does now and how he leverages his unique capabilities for connecting people. For entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to stay in tune with your inner voice so make sure to check out Joey's advice at the ILSI YouTube channel.

There was a lot more that we discussed and ILSI will be posting the full conversation soon. ILSI posts all their conversations on YouTube so feel free to check out other conversations they've hosted with social impact leaders and check back when the whole discussion with Joey is posted.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Joey, I highly encourage you to check out his work at the GoodieNation website here as well as his LinkedIn.

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